"When one door closes, another opens"
These words, usually said to assuage one when they have been disappointed or when things look bleak for them, are comforting words indeed
But of how much comfort are they really to the one on the receiving end of the assuagement, to the one having to accept these words as a way to ease their minds and pain?
Are they, if any, a sweet lullaby to the one who's ears have heard rejection's discordant "NO"?
What are words of comfort to the one who's heart is being clasped with an iron fist
Oxygen struggles to reach these other organs that you apparently need either that your heart
Your heart is being clutched with a fist that aims to choke the life out of you
Your world is being shattered you feel
There's not way out, no way forward you tell yourself
Disappointment, rejection, disapproval and the like are BITCHES!!
But wait, hold on, breathe because somewhere in between your body and the universe lies a will to press on
Your soul knows not to give into temporary dejection
The eternal and true self knows that beyond all that is negative lies all that is positive, the inherent dualities of life
With this acceptance and knowledge, blessings will find their way to you
When acceptance illuminates your heart, pure consciousness regains its own consciousness and all that was in the dark is brought to light
With light dominating your innerness, all that is meant for you makes its way to you
Blessings are but what we have been desiring all along
Coming at a time when we feel despondent and all is lost, yep that Blessings' M.O.
Changing you whole perspective on life and how it operates, yeah that sounds like Blessings' persuasive character
"When one door closes, another opens", definitely a way that Blessings would make an entrance into your life
Blessings are very much unexpected but with the acceptance of the dualities of life, truly should be expected
Allow yourself to be blessed by granting light access into your heart, in that way your yourself will be a blessing to others
Matlhogonolo (Ma-Chlo-Go-Nolo), yeah that's me...Blessings
My name means blessings, and because I have allowed light to shine in and through me, I know I'm a blessing to the next
You cannot be around me and leave untouched, my soul refuses me to leave you untouched
Its in me and its in my name
I WILL be a blessing to the next because I have been blessed
"When one door closes, another opens"
Allow the door of disappointments to close and let that to blessings open wide