Joy, in all her beauty, honesty and purity has arrived. Behold, her majesty arrives in her chariot of white horses.
Purity is her core essence! When she arrives at the gateway of your heart, lift up your gates. Be ye lifted up! Ye everlasting doors. Your Majesty is finally here. My heart is besides itself with shock at the sight of Joy's shadow as it precedes her into my heart.
Who am deserving of her royal arrival? Momentary happiness that lasts no longer than the person who brought it around leaves, is what I'm accustomed to.
"You sure you at the right heart?" I nervously asked her. And with all the nonchalance that only Joy can forge, she does a 360 in my hearts' main hall and gaily answers "well I sure am Mary-Anne and it looks like this place could do with a whole lot of sunshine. Open up the curtains along with the windows and you better get used to it coz I'm here to stay missy!"
Well I'd be damned!! Joy knows my name?! This feeling that belongs only to those that have achieved balance and all is dandy in their lives has come to inhabit my dark and frigid heart?!
Might I add how her Highness never travels alone? With her are her eternal compeers Peace and Contentment.
She arrives at a time that I barely expected. The most welcome unannounced guest!
Joy beckoned my soul to open up and let her be. And my soul being the receptive eternal being that it is, opened up like a blossoming lotus flower with each petal reaching as far out as it can to get all the sunshine that Joy exuberates.
My soul opened up and sank its claws and canines into Joy's banquet of all that she is.
Oh my dearest Joy, I didn't see you coming, I wasn't expecting you. But I'm grateful that you are here, right here in my heart where I can embrace you whenever I want to. I understand that you can't stay eternally and this I have accepted as part of the inherent duality of life. But for as long as you're here I will adore you, even when you have departed I still will hold you dear to me. Until this moment, I was yet to experience your blissful presence. And because now I know that you're truly real and know my heart's address, I refuse to accept all that emulates you and make a mockery of your abounding aura.
Joy Has Arrived!!
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